Wednesday, April 9, 2008

farewell my black balloon

I know most of you will watch Zero Punctuation anyway, but just in case.

Also, The Kills new CD is pretty awesome.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I was looking for the pirate ship

Yesterday Kyle and I worked on a short film of silliness. My room is so messy I cannot move today, but it is also overcast and I am really tired so most everything is on hold. Ill edit it together tomorrow. This is what happens when I have a very productive day, I have to follow it with a day of sitting to counter-act my activity karma or something. Firefox 3 is pretty excellent, even it beta.

Also, I want this shirt.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

make love to the judges with your eyes

So there is a brief article over at Den of Geek about the potential for literary games. It involves Suda 51 so it is automatically exciting. The first step to creating games with real intent is to understand ways to leverage the medium to create a range of experience. Adapting already existing works may be the best way to tackle the technical challenges of designing such a game before we go out and try to create a truely original work.

Just to flesh this out some more, there is also a post over at MTV calling for more "arty" looking games rather than more realistic ones. The arguement is that a game on Wii or PS2 can look better than Ps3 games if they just make it look cool rather than real. I assume that everyone already knows this around here, but the industry in general certainly doesn't.

Also, isn't it really strange that MTV actually has good coverage of games and is backing Rock Band etc? Thinking of MTV as a legitimate source of anything post mid-90's is just so strange.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

I was fool, couldn't let myself to go

Today I will be running down a list of backlogged items that never made it to the internet over the last week. Before I get going though, I have to note that today's title is not a typo, and not from this Beck, but this one. That video sucks but it is the best I cound find.

Anyway to business! I watched Run Lola Run the other day (Again) and still really like that movie. What I think is really awesome is that they work the world into one preset, fixed state and then run though three possible outcomes that could come from that starting point. Each time they establish that the pre-conditions are the same and then show how the different actions of Lola change the world around here. Everything else is constant but Lola, she causes ripples that not only determine the post-conditions of her story but the side characters as well. At the beginning of the movie fred noted that it seemed like something based on a game. I laughed at him and was like 'HO HO HO Fred, no there is no Run Lola Run video game." When I watched the movie though, I kept thinking how it was just like one of my Authored Worlds for interactive fiction. A game that consisted of a few city blocks all preset that the player could then interact with in interesting ways and also see what happens to NPCs dude to his/her actions would be pretty awesome. I had more to say when I started this but I have forgotten since. Damn it.

My next idea was for a program/plugin that would add tags to a book manuscript for each scene and for characters and such. It would provide a way to see when characters first appear, show all their scenes and let you reorder them like clips in a movie or something. The best way to do this would be a plugin for Word or something but I am not sure if it is possible. The key would be allowing the addition of tags without having to write markup in the actual document. I suppose it could be stripped out later, but I would not want it here changing my page counts and stuff. Anyway, it seemed like a cool idea so I wrote it down and now have posted it.

Somewhere in there I had a dream where Johnguydude was the leader of a church that met in an old railroad station from the 1800's and he wore a bowler hat and suspenders. I don't know what part of the larger dream narrative it served, but I made sure to rememeber that little bit.

Finally, I have been addicted to reading Questionable Content since last monday. This is where the image above comes from. The first comics have sad art, but it gets way better every few hundred.

My eyes forever focused on the sanguine metal dawn

19 fricking 98.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I've always known that the mirror never lies

When I began this blog I really had intended to keep certain dark facinations of my out of my posts. Since I have already ruined that by mentioning Daikatana a few times before, here we go again.

Last night I had a dream where the 5th episode was released for Daikatana, but instead of being a viking themed area it was Babalyon from Titan's Quest with gardens, stone walls, and lots of water. All the weapons were these crazy golden versions of things from other episodes. I got to play it along with a bunch of other people, including Johnguydude and Rohen, in a place that looked like an actual level from the game. I remember being very worried that everyone had all the right data installed so the map rotation wouldn't crash them. It was pretty awesome, playing Daikatana DM in some awesome water temple thing with like 12 people. I think this was my minds April Fool's Day joke on me. Damn.

Today I intend to start a project beyond the scope of any of my previous efforts. Hopefully in a few days Ill have something to show you all.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Tell me what you want, and what you have betrayed

I have added a section to the page with links to various bits of media I think are awesome. I realize now that I should break it up into movies, games and books. A task for the future. I really made it to say that Miller's Crossing was pretty awesome. In a few days I might not want it to be listed with my favorite films ever, but right now I am very satisfied with that movie.

In other news I watched Bottle Rocket and have determined that I can no longer tolerate Owen Wilson. Or maybe Wes Anderson. I am not sure, but I know I can't watch another movie where Owen Wilson runs around bitching and bossing everyone around all the time leading to ultimate failure. I really do like The Royal Tenenbaums though. Damn it.