Monday, February 11, 2008

Now it’s all bad education

I have been looking at graduate schools for game design over the last month. My dream is to work on games which expand the media in some way. It isn't that I don't enjoy games like COD4 or Halo, just that I don't want to spend years of my life working on something which has essentially already been done. With that in mind I am seeking programs more focused on design rather than just giving you a MS in Computer Science with a gaming slant. This eliminates some of the more famous programs like Digipen and Guildhall, which mostly just level up programmers C++ skill. I am placing my current list here for my own review and the use of anyone on a similar quest.

Savannah College of Art and Design - Interactive Design and Gave Development (Link)
Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy - Offers several different tracks based on desired focus. (Link)
USC - Master of Fine Arts in Interactive Media (Link)
Flashpoint Academy - I don't know much yet, they are getting back to me (Link)

I know this was a weak post, I will try and get something more thoughtful for tomorrow.


Red said...

having spent a good amount of time around USC I suspect their program would probably focus more on the art/design aspect.

Buncha hippies. Plus I'd come down for football games.

Seth said...

Yeah, I certainly am looking at that program, but they only let in 10-12 people a year though, I might have to level up a bit first.

John said...
entertainment technology center at carnegie mellon.

also heres a related escapist article that you've probably read.