So I fixed the issues people found with the last release and forced myself to do the last bit of art I needed to complete Jimson and the Jazz Crabs! What I present here should be the final release of the game with the current content. I really want to add in some sound and background music, but my basic attempts at Garage Band have failed so I want this out there before I get frustrated and put it back on the shelf for a few weeks. Of course, if someone finds a bug Ill fix and upload a revised copy. [
PS: When I figure out the Mac OSX runtime and stuff, Ill add that in a new post. I hear it runs in Wine from Urban.
Found another typo. When you "eye" the ship wreck, it talks about Jimson's "nobel ship," I assume you mean "noble"?
I left a comment here earlier today and it didnt show up! fuckers. I played through your little game sir, and it was chock full of tentacle-appeasing, whale-abusing, claw-soothin fun i must say. 25-30 minutes to beat, i got stuck once but then it all made sense... relatively speaking. no bugs observed running winxp sp2.
I need you to read bethesda's "breaking and entering" blogs which run from feb 6-27 and tell me what you think. I'm for sure going to dedicate myself to oblivion modding as much as possible now.
congrats on having a game under your belt, savor the sweet taste of completion.
Nice graphics. Great story. Well done! I'd like to see more of those!
I've made a walkthrough for those who are interested .. ;-)
Some technical comments can be found on the AGS forum.
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