Monday, March 31, 2008

Tell me what you want, and what you have betrayed

I have added a section to the page with links to various bits of media I think are awesome. I realize now that I should break it up into movies, games and books. A task for the future. I really made it to say that Miller's Crossing was pretty awesome. In a few days I might not want it to be listed with my favorite films ever, but right now I am very satisfied with that movie.

In other news I watched Bottle Rocket and have determined that I can no longer tolerate Owen Wilson. Or maybe Wes Anderson. I am not sure, but I know I can't watch another movie where Owen Wilson runs around bitching and bossing everyone around all the time leading to ultimate failure. I really do like The Royal Tenenbaums though. Damn it.


Anonymous said...

I liked Rushmore, Tenenbaums bugged me.

Seth said...

rushmore is good too. I like them both.

AlwaysAwake said...

No Darjeeling Limited love?